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Cynosure PhotoGenica V-Star Pulsed Dye Vascular Laser Machine 5 x 8mm Handpiece

Cynosure PhotoGenica V-Star Pulsed Dye Vascular Laser Machine 5 x 8mm Handpiece.jpg Cynosure PhotoGenica V-Star Pulsed Dye Vascular Laser Machine 5 x 8mm Handpiece 1.jpg Cynosure PhotoGenica V-Star Pulsed Dye Vascular Laser Machine 5 x 8mm Handpiece 2.jpg

Item Name: Cynosure PhotoGenica V-Star Pulsed Dye Vascular Laser Machine 5 x 8mm Handpiece

Item for Sale, Rent or Lease: For Sale

Price: £218.00

Seller Contact Details:

Name: Simon Levy

Location: London

Tel: 020 8440 5511
